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The unit of currency is the Tanzanian shilling (Tsh). There is no limit on the amount of foreign currency that can be imported.


Banks and forex bureaus are available at the airport and in all main towns.
Banking Hours:
Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 12:30
Sat: 08:30 – 13:30
A few branches in the major towns open until 16:30 on weekdays. Foreign currency in cash or travellers’ cheques may be exchanged through authorised dealers, commercial banks and at Bureau de Changes at the international airports, major towns and border posts. Visitors are strongly advised against changing money on the black market. Some of the black marketers are undercover policemen, while others are likely to be con artists.


Most top hotels and lodges around the country accept Visa and Master Card. In addition to credit cards, clients should bring US dollars cash.


Coins are 500, 200, 100 and 50 there are no longer 10 and 5 shillings coins.


Service charges are included in the bill. Tipping is dependent on the clients’ discretion and pleasure, and is accepted as a friendly gesture. Haggling is quite acceptable in shops selling local handcrafts.


The main souvenirs available in Tanzania are Makonde carvings of ebony wood, and Masai handicrafts (spears, bead belts and necklaces). Also Tanzania offers the visitor a treasure trove of art, spices, furniture and other collectibles. Curios are sold in markets and in city and town centers.
Another specialty of Tanzania is meerschaum, a low density rock mined in the country which is made into pipes, as trays and bead necklaces.
Batiks are another favourite, and range in size from small pictures to large wall hangings.


Three hours ahead of GMT.


Visas are required. The visa fee depends on the type of passport/country of citizenship . A visitor’s pass is required for all travellers.
This can be obtained from any Tanzania diplomatic mission or point of entry. It is advisable to get one before you leave home.